Entering a new international market is an exciting process, and one that most businesses should be considering if they haven’t started planning already. However, before you can expand, you need to prepare yourself for what to expect in the market. General research is fundamental, but have you covered everything?
Based on our many years of experience, we’ve identified 3 things that lots of businesses forget to prioritize or fully research before getting started. You should:
- Localise automated communications
- Enable cross-border audiences with your Facebook Pixel
- Activate hyper-local PR and community-building opportunities
Want to know more about how to set these up? Or perhaps you are wondering what else you might have missed? Check out our latest guide: 40 Tips to Get Started When Entering a New International Market. You can download it below:
About the Author
AccuraCast is a digital marketing agency focused on international growth. Founded in 2004. Specialists in generative AI engine optimization, social media marketing, search and programmatic display advertising and search engine optimisation in all major global languages to businesses worldwide. Offices in London, New York and Madrid.