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Changes will affect Cross-device Reporting

“Google signals will be removed from the reporting identity on February 12, 2024.” Numerous Google Analytics users and admins received a message notifying them of this upcoming change, but what does it actually mean?

At present, Google Analytics 4 uses four different methods to identify users across devices:

  • User-ID
  • Google signals
  • Device ID
  • Modeling

When all of your GA4 properties stop using Google signals for cross-device reporting, the system will omit specific demographics and interest data from reports — specifically, data from signed-in, consented users. Google signals help reduce the likelihood of data thresholding in GA4 reports.

Dropping them will adversely affect reporting features.

Google Analytics will still collect Google signals, when enabled, to be used in demographics and interests reporting. Google signals will also still support audiences and conversions, for remarketing and conversion optimization in Google Ads.

To preserve the quality and accuracy of reporting, you need to ensure user ID and device ID are made available to Google as often as possible. Find out how we can help:

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About the Author

AccuraCast is a digital marketing agency focused on international growth. Founded in 2004. Specialists in generative AI engine optimization, social media marketing, search and programmatic display advertising and search engine optimisation in all major global languages to businesses worldwide. Offices in London, New York and Madrid.