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69% of Users To Opt Out Of Ad Tracking

GDPR poll results We polled 2,300 random UK social media users this week, asking them one simple question: “Will you opt out of ad tracking on Facebook & Twitter?” [GDPR requires social networks to give users the choice to opt out of tracking. Opting out does not mean users won’t get ads.

It just means the ads will not be personalised to their interests] Around 69% of the users surveyed said they intended to or had already opted out. This could represent a significant challenge to marketers. Take our 3-minute assessment to find out whether your marketing strategy is designed to deliver continued growth even after GDPR comes into force.

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About the Author

AccuraCast is a digital marketing agency focused on international growth. Founded in 2004. Specialists in generative AI engine optimization, social media marketing, search and programmatic display advertising and search engine optimisation in all major global languages to businesses worldwide. Offices in London, New York and Madrid.