As marketers, we recognise that we not only serve our clients’ organisations but also act as stewards of society in creating, facilitating and executing the transactions that are part of the greater economy. In this role, we hold ourselves to the highest professional ethical standards and the ethical values implied by our responsibility toward multiple stakeholders – customers, employees, investors, peers, regulators and the host community.
Our Statement of Ethics
We strive to create an ethical, open and inclusive ecosystem. This applies to our people, our clients, and our work. Our focus on equality, fairness, equity, and diversity unlocks the potential of a widespread community and gives everyone the opportunity to grow.
Diversity & Inclusion
Minority Owned, Internationally Grown
Driving global growth at scale requires a truly international perspective. Our team is made up of individuals from all over the world, with varying experiences, backgrounds, orientations, and abilities. We’re focused on fostering a culture of belonging and equity where a diverse community of marketeers can thrive.
We're proud to be certified by MSDUK’s supplier diversity advocacy programme, working for inclusion of ethnic minority businesses in corporate supply chains.

Ethical Marketing
Everyone at AccuraCast is committed to maintaining the highest standard of professional ethical norms and values for all our work.
We establish standards of conduct that are expected of all our employees, and maintain them rigorously. Our values represent the collective conception of what our clients and the greater digital community finds desirable, important and morally proper. Our values also serve as the criteria for evaluating our own personal actions and the actions of others.
We optimise for the long term wins that ensure your business’ longevity, not the short term gains that can get your website into trouble.
100% Ethical SEO®
Our ethos of 100% ethical SEO® means that we practice purely "white hat" search engine optimisation. We know how to make Google’s Quality Guidelines work for your business. In the two decades we have been in business, we have never had a client site banned by the search engines due to the work we've done.
Our ethics policy also mandates that we are entirely transparent about how we work. We provide clear, comprehensive reports on all the work we do. We work hard to create a spirit of openness in all our marketing operations.
To this end, we communicate clearly with all stakeholders, explain and take appropriate action regarding significant product or service risks, component substitutions or other foreseeable eventualities that could affect customers or their perception of the purchase decision and disclose prices and terms of financing as well as available price deals and adjustments at the start of all projects.
Social Responsibility
Creating Opportunities For All
We believe in the need to align business growth with social progress and environmental sustainability. A percentage of our quarterly profits are redistributed to all employees, and an equal percentage is given back to the communities we work in, via charitable donations and investment in programmes that help disadvantaged persons.
We also encourage our people to give back to communities through individual efforts, community-based engagements, and company-wide initiatives. Every day we work hard to ensure that the impact we have on the world around us is a positive one.
Driving The Change We Want to See
We support the education of girls in STEM subjects within highly disadvantaged communities in India. This is done via donation of a portion of our profits in a manner that ensures 100% of the money goes to the betterment of the community.
Talk to us if you’d like to learn more about this, and find out how you could get involved.