If marketers and advertisers could find out exactly when, and on which browser their users were most active, it could help them to reach their target audience better. Towards this end, Erik Hansen of Microsoft conducted some insightful studies.
Hansen started with the assumption that most users may have access to 2 browsers; one at home, and another at work. Some of these users may use the one at home for most of their internet browsing, and occasionally use the one at work, while others may use the work browser most of the time and the one at home may be used much less frequently.
To analyse further, he counted the weekday days, and weekend days during which browsers saw ads and then divided the browsers into 3 groups.
- Mostly Weekday browsers
- Mixed Day browsers
- Mostly Weekend browsers.
The first category had more than 2.5 weekdays with ads for every weekend day with ads. The second category had between 1.0 and 2.5 weekdays with ads for every weekend day with ads, while the last group had at least as many weekend days as weekdays with ads.
It was found that most browsers were in the mostly weekdays category. The maximum number of ads also went to the mostly weekdays browsers, while most of the weekend ads went to the very active browsers who also saw ads almost every day in any case.
These findings seem to imply that users who browse on a weekend mostly do so from the same browser which they use on weekdays also. Alternatively it is also that very active browsers have more than one browser and they use both very regularly and with almost equal frequency.
These results, based on the Atlas Ad Serving System, suggest that advertisers reach most of their users at least once a week, through their most active browser.
About the Author
Farhad is the Group CEO of AccuraCast. With over 20 years of experience in digital, Farhad is one of the leading technical marketing experts in the world. His specialities include digital strategy, international business, product marketing, measurement, marketing with data, technical SEO, and growth analytics.